Sunday, June 14, 2015

I don't even know what to name this post.......

This is me chillin....cuz I really need to.

Over the past few months, I've had a front row seat to a lot of drama that has been going on.  I tell people all of the time that I am drama free and I truely mean it, I chose different outlets to vent my feelings and its more therapeutic to me than the outlets that the majority of people in SL use.  There are times however when I can't even avoid the drama, because for some people....they just can't help themselves.

I just don't get it....why do people have the desire to create drama?  When I read drama the only sound going off in my head is "cackle cackle cackle..blahblahblah."  Stop it, please.  I come to SL to have fun and get away from it.  Drama example:

I was in a hateful mood today - this is when even I create drama of my own, though not on purpose.  I don't have a filter on my thoughts or what comes out of my mouth, and I don't care how people take that.  There was an issue that came up in a group I'm in where I felt the need to state my opinion.  People who shouldn't have been bitching, were bitching and I simply pointed a few things out...being real so to speak because I will tell it like it is - it was a generalized statement.  Well that post got removed.  So I got pissed and posted my thoughts on my own page so that there was no chance of it getting deleted.  My post was dramatic - after all if I'm diving into the shit it might as well be the shit that is my own creation.  So I post my rant on facebook and within a few hours SIX people messaged me wanting to know what was going on, did it have to do with them, who did it have to do with...details....details.  LOL    PEOPLE - LOVE - DRAMA.

No one walked away satisfied I can assure you.  I'm not in the business of gossip either.  There is a reason why I choose not to be popular, not to  have 238574 friends on my facebook page that I don't know - although accepting them does serve a purpose for me.  :-P  There is a reason why I can count my sl family on one hand and my friends on the other.  People are too complicated and often grate me.  Because of this, it's very easy to be real and speak my mind, cuz I don't care what anyone thinks...its is what it is.

Wow...I've suddenly lost interest in this topic, think I'll just log it from here...nite!


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