Sunday, May 24, 2015

One Down, One To Go

May is Dance Xcetera's anniversary month.  One year ago today I sat with Wild countless times as she tried to figure out what direction she wanted to go after resigning from the It Girlz n Fellaz dance team.  She had a vision and wanted help to bring it to fruition.  I was more than happy to offer her my assistance, dancing in Second Life is in my blood now, and I couldn't get enough of it.

DX started out with only 15 members, and has more than doubled it's size a year later - we currently have 56 members.  Almost half of the troupe are directors, with several dancers interested in creating dances for future shows.  I am honored to be part of such an amazing team.

I produced the Anniversary Show because it is very special to me.  I have said often, that dancing in SL breathed new life into me, it gave me an outlet to express my feelings, and I wanted to celebrate it.

Show #2 starts tomorrow at 3pm slt, and I can relax a bit because I'm not running any dances in this one.  We have an awesome lineup so if you're reading this and  you don't have any plans tomorrow, please come out and join us.  Take photos, we have a photo drop box and I'd love to start adding photo's from our audience!

Tonight was amazing, and we have one more night before we close out the show.  This one is going to be extremely bittersweet.  So here I am signing out for the night, I have a big day tomorrow and this girlie needs her beauty sleep.  Until then.....


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