Thursday, June 28, 2012


Well, after over a year of living on the Weir Point sim, I made the decision to move. I have been struggling keeping afloat for these past few months with it and I just couldn't carry the load anymore, so the time has come to move on. I found a nice little quarter spot on a sim called "Give," and it's enough room to put both my home and business there. I think the horses, munkins, and myself will be very happy here.

So the pick above is my log cabin, on a my new home. Sorry, I just can't part with my log cabin. I tried, I put up a cute beach house I once lived in before I moved to Weir Point but it just didn't feel homey enough for me. I have loved my log cabin for a long time and to me, it's home. One of the great things about SL is you can pretty much have whatever you want so I'm having my log cabin on my little piece of tropical paradise. Don't laugh at me. :-)

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