Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Best Show Ever!!

 I can't even put into words how exciting this show was!  Looking back to our records since 2016 when I first started recording information, this weekend show brought in the most guests (over 60) and the highest in tips that we've ever received.  Thank you so much to our fans!  

I was really proud of Pinky.  This is a girl who said she'd never learn the system we use to perform dances and one day she just decided it was time to learn.  Before she did her first dance she helped build sets for some of our teammates, she decorates the sim for our shows and she MOMages the team.  She came out of the box being anal about her set, the way it looked, the way the animations looked, the choreo.  She was very easy to teach but she talks too much!  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚  I'm going to start calling her "mouth." πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

We had lag but we didn't have any serious technical issues because of it.  It really felt good to be back on stage again.

Now for the 100th time I am going to say that the team is going to finish up the dances for the production show.  It's not being scheduled until it's finished and we've rehearsed it, but it's our focal point right now.  2025 is going to be a GREAT YEAR for this team!!!!!!

Friday, August 30, 2024



I've been blogging this particular post for awhile but couldn't figure out what to call it.  Then it came to me.  So here is the next thought of your friend and mine, Dejaye Barracuda.

I've been told a few times (he said she said gossip) that my sets are overkill and that isn't what dance is about.  Only one that I know for a fact is someone I was interviewing to join my team.  I bet he was red faced when I said "Well that one was mine. 😁"  Am I butt hurt over it? Nope, and here's why.

For me, dance is more than just the dance itself, I want to set the mood, give the ambience of what it is that I'm trying to portray in the song that I've been inspired to do.  Some of my dances tell a story, like "The Wizard of Ahhzz" by Pentatonix, which goes through the entire Wizard of Oz movie in six minutes.  "Stay" by Shakespeares Sister, where good and evil battle over the life of a man who hangs in the balance, and then one of my favorites, "Twas the Night" by Jessalyn Gilsig where a wife longs for her husband who is deployed at Christmas time and excitedly falls into his arms when he unexpectedly comes home on Christmas Eve.  All of my sets required set changes in order to create the atmosphere I wanted.  If it's overkill then ok.

What matters to me is what the audience thinks, and we may not draw in the biggest crowd compared to others dance teams in SL, but the ones we do draw in are amazed at what we do.  I have received lots of compliments over the years about my sets, many of them coming from other directors and dancers.  Its funny for someone known for "overkill," so many directors from all over the dance community have messaged me for advice.  This girl....overkill girl.  Set changes and moving props is part of my mojo and my audience likes it.

Jealousy??  It's a horrible thing, and the only explanation I can come up with as far as why anyone would think my sets are overkill.  Maybe because they didn't think of it themselves.  I'm not the only one with moving parts on a set, there are others out there that I'm jealous of because they are creative as fuck.  There is one girl on another team I dance for that has over the top amazing work in her sets and dances, I want to be just like her when I grow up.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚  Its okay to be envious of someone's work, its not ok to be negative about it.  

So if you think I'm overkill, suck it up buttercups, I'm not changing my style.  It's me, because I'm more than just about the animations, I'm trying to tell a story here.  Get over yourself.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

And So It Begins....


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  Just sayin'.

132 pieces to this set.  Put in my inventory one by one.  Not sure why I did it that way - hope I don't regret it.  Its been in my inventory for months.  I told the team late August is when we are doing this show but more importantly we are going to have our first practice in June.  This is a heavy set, I hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew.  πŸ˜±

I'm only allowing myself so much time on this before I put it on hold and throw something else together.
I am ready to get this show on the road!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Bandicam - Part 2!!!


A......nother good reason to get Bandicam.....

My original Chastity dance started out with three girls and a guy. The guy was just walking, stopping for about three seconds and walking off at the end.  That has now changed to three girls, TWO guys, two couples dancing, and exiting and then the original exit but with one of the girls walking with the guy instead of him walking alone.  πŸ’¦πŸ˜…πŸ’¦

Had it not been for me filming the first take after all of the adjustments, I would have not been able to catch every detail, including some that I missed out on and realizing what a clusterfuck I had created.  😑😑.  I think I should have just stuck to the original but I can't unsee this thing now so I'm committed. 😜

I can't begin to express how incredibly valuable this gadget is and how much time you are going to save working on your future sets!  Go to my last Bandicam post and download it!  I've had a few people message me about this so I will add some things here and hope it answers some questions and if not, my box is always open:

- if you own a stream use it, Bandicam will record sound.  You can use the timing of  your video for perfect precision!  If you don't just turn your headset on, hold it to your speaker and play your music.  If you start your song when you are supposed to it will work the same way - that's how I do it and I can hear the music just fine in the video.

- if you enjoy working with your timing you are going to love this, you can make any change you need to, frame by frame.

- If you want to share your video with others and you want to keep your Linden balance private because seriously it's notbodys bizzzznnessss....✋✋✋   For Firestorm users just right click at the top of your screen to get your toolbar and uncheck "Show Currency Balance."

- Bandicam will only record what is in Second Life, or at least it only does for me.  You will have to tinker with it to find out if you can use it outside of the game.

- I use it for timing when I do animation overlays.

I don't think there is anything more to add, if there is then I'll have another exciting post to add!!    πŸ‘

Sunday, April 28, 2024


 It has occurred to me that this virtue should have been under the virtue of patience instead of chastity.  The dance was finished but I wasn't happy with it at all.  So I decided to rework it.  The song I picked has a story to tell so if you're reading this you may want to keep your eyeballs open πŸ‘€on the DX Website to find out when our production show opens! AND....

After a directorial change and some help from the ladies, I've decided to finish this dance for wrath which was originally a collaboration with Aryanna:

Then the show will be ready for practice.  I hope because I'm getting tired!  πŸ˜΅

Monday, March 25, 2024

FOR DIRECTORS: Bandicam - A Lifesaver!

If you have a set with multiple errors here's a quick and simple way to fix them  - hassle free!

Download this: -------->> Bandicam  

This is a closed-source screen capture and screen recording software that can take screenshots or record screen changes.  Its free - there may be a watermark on the video though but it's ok since you're only going to record this for yourself.

When you are ready to run your dance for the first time, RECORD IT WITH BANDICAM!  You can use the video to walk you through the changes that you want to make for your sets.  Trust me it saves me a bunch of time because I don't have to remember what went wrong and where.  πŸ˜€

Try it!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

FOR DIRECTORS: The Benefits of Area Search


This is the first of many benefits I plan to share about the wonderful Area Search.  If you build outrageously large sets like me, area search can be a very beneficial tool.  As some already know I rely on area search for not only locating and editing props, but to copy codes for dance pads.  I never have to cam in on a set and find something so by keeping area search organized it takes me less than half the time to complete the process.  The tedious part is naming everything when you're setting it up but I promise you if you take the time in the beginning, the rest of its a breeze!  You will know what you need and where to find it.  
As you can see, I also have prims out that divides my sets to make it much easier!  Just right click on any object and go into edit just like you would if you were clicking on the actual prim.  TRY THIS!!

Monday, March 4, 2024



Spelled deliberately ALOEwishes.  Like my RL dog Herbie, who I refer to as my 'big black man' πŸ˜‚