Sunday, October 23, 2022

Why Karen Why?

People friend me all of the time.  They send one message and the next thing I know they are offering friendship.  Then I'd go back later and remove them when they are offline as not to "offend" them because you all know how that goes.  😭😭

 So like many others - because I get conferences all of the time - I decided to use my friends list and make an advertisement list for the teams upcoming shows.  In the past six months I've sent conferences for three shows, and I do it two times for each one - one for the premiere and the other for the encore.

Now yesterday I sent this message out like I always do with links to our program info as well as the LM to our theater.  And then this bitch responds:

She could have just closed out the conference, like I do but she decided to respond and plug the theater where she is performing instead.  

I have a deep respect for other teams and would NEVER do something like this in a public chat.  If you are tired of seeing these conferences from me, then REMOVE ME FROM YOUR FRIENDS LIST and be done with it, I won't be offended I promise.  I took the liberty of removing her since she has a finger problem and can't use the remove button herself.  I mean if you aren't interested in what I am doing, why keep me on your "friends" list?  

Karen, it wasn't cool, show some respect for the hard work that other directors do to entertain, it's not a competition.  

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