I don't know, I just don't know. Trying to put this show together has taken 4 years and we are so close to the end of the finish line that I started advertising for it. But since this past April things have been coming up in the real world that has halted production in it's tracks. Real life comes first, always.
In order for this show to work, everyone who signed up for it HAS to be able to do every single show. If ONE person has to call out the show has to be canceled. That's because we are doing two stages and performing 14 songs in one hour.
At a normal show there is usually a filler song which is a song that's played while the next dance is being set up. With the Sins & Virtues show, there won't be a filler song. They will be back to back with the only "filler" is the introduction that Aryanna gives for the next set. And that's how you get 14 dances back to back in the same time it would take do do a normal show which is 6 - 8 sets and takes about an hour.
So I told the crew that if we don't have the Sins & Virtues show ready to go by our 9th anniversary, I'm going to throw in the towel and show the dances we did have completed on our regular stage.
But all is not lost! We are still trying to make this work and I hope we accomplish it because we'd be the first dance team to ever do a show like this. Fingers crossed!