Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So Blade and I visited a sim named Svarga. It was phenominal! On Svarga, they are running a beta test to produce artifical life there. Below is a better explanation, taken from the notecard you receive when you get there:

Nearly all of the plant-life in this area of the sim is part of a beta test for a fully functional artificial ecology system for Second Life.
Everything is actually growing and replicating by itself!
------Sometimes you might come here and see nothing ! This could be because I'm testing the system and maybe it's been re-started. Come back in a few hours if that is the case.------
The system comprises...
- Clouds: Scripted clouds roam the sim and occasionally rain onto the ground below. The plant-life underneath soaks up water from the cloud, the amount is determined by angle and distance.
-SunThe SL sun provides energy for growth, it's measured by its position and the amount of SL cloud density.
- Bees.Little tiny scripted bees fly between fertile flowersDj Barracuda: Nearly all of the plant-life in this area of the sim is part of a beta test for a fully functional artificial ecology system for Second Life.
Everything is actually growing and replicating by itself!
------Sometimes you might come here and see nothing ! This could be because I'm testing the system and maybe it's been re-started. Come back in a few hours if that is the case.------
The system comprises...
- Clouds: Scripted clouds roam the sim and occasionally rain onto the ground below. The plant-life underneath soaks up water from the cloud, the amount is determined by angle and distance.
-SunThe SL sun provides energy for growth, it's measured by its position and the amount of SL cloud density.
- Bees.Little tiny scripted bees fly between fertile flowers

Its a cool place to visit, I had a blast. My friend Misty and her guy Tux joined us as well, and we played drums and chatted in an area where your conversation is turned into music.

There is an oracle there that will tell you your future. You pay $25L and you get a notecard, maybe two. This is what mine said:

"InfluenceOffering fortunate.Persevere.Marriage is fortunate." *smiles*

It's a very nice place to visit, you defintely don't want to miss this in your SL travels!!

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