Sunday, December 20, 2015

Everything Happens for a Reason

Thank the Lord I can sit back and let the air out of my lungs - a sigh of relief.  I am sure that most of you who happen upon my particular entry today have either  heard about the recent set back on the DX team, or was present when the shit went down.  I wanted to take a lot of time and put what happened behind me before I wrote about it, aside from the asshole mentioned in my previous post (*waves* - hi asshole!!) I have spoken very little about what happened.  Unfortunately for those of you who survive in Second Life solely on drama alone, you won't get your fix here.  The only thing you're going to get are the thoughts that I have been wanting to release from my brain at the time I felt it was right to do.  And now it's time.

So let me give you the basic run down of what happened with the DX team - what the 'public' meaning - those of you who DID NOT attend the meeting of Saturday, November 7th need to know.  I called that emergency meeting because I found out earlier that day that the home sims for the team were being reclaimed that evening.  I was in complete shock because I was told the sims were paid until the end of November.  We were preparing for a show on November 14th and many members of the team either lived or used the DX home sims to build their sets, I had to tell them what was going on.  Combined with some personal issues that were shared with me which really shouldn't have been shared at all, I really couldn't say whether or not she was even going to come back, and I prayed that I wasn't jumping the gun.  The first words out of my mouth to start off the meeting were, "I hope she logs in and proves me wrong."  After this I needed some time to decompress, my thoughts were moving to fast for me to even get any words out and that's when I lost control of the car.  So here's where things get quick - - leadership of the original team was transferred, renamed and boom - like Monday morning at the office and in a matter of five minutes, they had moved forward, and for a second, I had planned on moving with them, but I knew from the moment I agreed, that I couldn't, and I'm glad  I didn't.  I made a promise to Wild and no matter what, I intended on keeping it.  

I'm sitting here reflecting on this past weekend, DX did two Christmas shows (one more to go!)....made it a short performance for the busy season, and it's been a freaking awesome weekend.  There are real benefits to having a smaller team and I noticed it a lot with the planning and organizing of our Christmas show.  Not everyone from DX migrated to the other team, some are dancing for both teams, we brought back some of the original core team and have new members as well.  We are 18 members strong with a 20 member cap - a cap that this time around we plan to enforce.

From the earliest days of this team, I have told Wild that sometimes the road we travel will be straight and smooth, other times it will be rocky and sometimes there will be be this big ass boulder blocking our path but the important thing to remember is we continue to push forward, instead of beating ourselves up over mistakes that were made or worrying about people with hidden agendas, we learn from the experience, put safeguards in place to prevent it from happening again and move forward, which was the reason for the quick planning of the Christmas show.  I wanted to get the team back on its feet before they realized they had been knocked down.  It was a success and we even welcomed new people on board as well.  

I miss SOME OF THEM but wish ALL OF THEM the best of luck because after all, it's really about the dance and if it's not, get the fuck outta here.