Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I've been working on my dance for the autism event for a few weeks now and it's coming along very nicely.  My biggest challenge to date is making formations for 31 dancers - yep 31.  I know it's a lot, and I have heard in the past that using a lot of dancers is not always the best route to go, but this is the finale of our show so we want every dancer to participate, including the guest cheerleaders.  I'm almost done with the formations, the tedious formations start tomorrow, and by Wednesday I'll be ready to put the animations together.  I really hope people enjoy this!

Dance Xcetera is getting super busy, and with the new option of our directors choice to produce an entire show on their own was a marvelous idea!  It saves us all from infinite burn out.  I really enjoyed producing the Directors Choice Showcase but by the time we closed the curtain on it for the last time I was pooped!  It's a lot more work than people think it is but I enjoyed every single minute of it.  Lirel Garnet is producing the autism event, and then I'll be back producing our next show in  May which is our anniversary show.  I'm hoping to bring in quite a few guests and would love to make it a weekend event.  Once I'm finished with my dance I'll start to organize that event.  We are going to try to put on two shows a month and with over 40 people in the group with 95% of them being directors, I think we can pull it off.  Aside from the anniversary show we have a few shows still in the talking phase - a cover band showcase, a memorial performance to remember those artists/bands who are no longer with us, and "Summer Love," which includes both summer and love songs.  We will also be performing at Dance Queens so we can be added to the Wall of Fame.  We had planned to do it in November 2014 but did the Galaxy Festival instead.

I have a lot of work ahead of me which includes updating the DX website, something I've been slacking in lately thanks to being busy in both worlds.  Until next time folks.....CTFO.  :-D


Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Wall

PROOF of a rotten daughter.
Yeah, the wall.  The one I hit today when I realized the props I needed for my set were no mod.  Not only that but the creator hasn't been in world in almost two years, so contacting him to work out a deal is out of the question.  I found a similar one on marketplace but that too was a no mod/no creator issue so now I'm hustling trying to find someone who can script for me.

This set is very special, its for the Lighting The Way event that Soco Magic holds every year to raise awareness for autism.  The song that I chose continues to inspire me, even after listening to it oh about a gazillion times now - seriously...I build for hours and that's the only song playing in my ears while I'm doing it.  Once the inspiration hits I've got a one track mind - and when a wrench is thrown in my path I trip over it and just start tumbling.

So that leaves me at a standstill, and I have a little bit of wiggle room with this dance, but not much.  If I can't find a scripter I'm going to have to search for an alternative, because I'm too OCD to totally change my set around.  Until then, wish me lots of luck!
