Monday, September 1, 2014

Calling YOU Out........

What I am about to say I'm only going to say it one time, then I'm done.  I'll never speak of this or you ever again.  It will forever be posted here so you can come back and reflect on it when you begin to feel "stalkerish."

A few questions I'd like to ask, but never want answered.....

1.  Who brought you up to believe that the world revolved around you?
2.  Do you feel it's normal behavior to expect your friends not to be friends with someone you don't like or will not like in the future?
3.  Was I putting off some kind of vibe that made you believe I was "falling" for you?  Really????  Seriously???  *pauses to laugh*

Your unrealistic views on friendship is the reason why we aren't friends anymore.....notice I made no attempt to reconcile?

Now here you are forcing one of our mutual friends to choose.......and this time it's because of your feelings for me.  You'd totally trash your friendship with her because of me.  PATHETIC.  If she cuts you out of her life for good you deserve it.

This is really a damn shame because I really thought you were a great guy....always funny.  That's one hell of a mask you wear.  Ok well this is not worth spending too much time on and I'm at the point that I'd rather go back to creating my dance so i'm going to close this out with this.......

Lets be abundantly clear about this....for all the years I have known you I have never wanted or expected anything more from you than friendship.  Romance and partnering......out of the question cuz ya just didn't do it for me in that way.  Sorry, I figured after all these years you would have known that by now.

So funny.... all I had to do to ensure I would not lose this precious person was to keep my mouth shut and let you do all the work.  *bravo!!*

I hope the good part of you comes back some day because that person is awesome.  And I hope that you find friends that you will appreciate, and learn to respect because that's what friendship is all about.

Your such a dumbass, but I really wish you the best.  Just please don't contact me if that happens.
