Friday, July 6, 2012

I Gave Up...And Gave In!

Ok so the log cabin was just not working for me, as much as I loved it, being on a tropical sim....its a feng shui thing. Now that I have this new house, it inspired me to add some more palm and a little bit of rock to the landscaping and although it's not a masterpiece, it's home.

My house is a two bedroom, one of the rooms I turned into a closet for all my vendors. For those of you who have not read my past blogs, I keep a lot of my clothing in vendors rather than in my inventory so I must have a room set up as a closet! The living room is quite large with a divider, so I'm using one section of it for a movie room, I love watching movies in SL. I also had to move my office back over to my studio, which is no big deal since I have an office over there that wasn't being used.

So now I am all officially moved into my new home. The log cabin barn is staying, only because I have yet to find a barn that looks beachy that allows me to utilize it in the same fashion that I do for breeding my horses. I may just break down and retexture it to suit the land a little better but quite frankly I really haven't been in the mood to do any building lately. Oh well, I'll just save that for another time. :-)